
Update IDS on Pillr: Further developed following successful collaboration with our test group

14-11-2024 - Pillr adds the Information Delivery Standard (IDS) to the platform, a key step for BIM model users

What is IDS? 

IDS is an XML-based standard for defining information requirements in a way that is both human-readable and computer-interpretable. Always used alongside IFC, IDS precisely specifies the information that an IFC model must contain. It enables users to easily validate BIM model data using predefined rules, streamlining the data validation process and ensuring that project data remains structured and consistent.

For more information on IDS, visit:

Test group of Pillr users and BIM experts

During the development of our IDS functionality, a group of Pillr users and BIM experts was involved in extensive testing, providing valuable feedback prior to the full release. Key improvements were implemented before launch. Over the past few months, the Pillr team has worked hard to incorporate additional feedback, further refining the IDS functionality on the platform. We are grateful to our test group for their contributions to the success of this launch.

New developments

In recent months, we’ve rolled out multiple releases on Pillr to further enhance IDS functionality and user experience. Adding support for IFC 4.3 has aligned the platform with the latest BIM standards. A search function within data types now makes it easier to locate specific information, while entities and attributes are processed more accurately and consistently. The list of IFC data types has been expanded, and issues with dropdown menus and file encoding have been resolved, resulting in a smoother workflow and greater user convenience.


Do you have feedback on IDS on Pillr? We greatly value insights from our users and appreciate your input. Feel free to reach out to us!